Sungaya inexpectata – Sunny stick insect

PSG195 Sungaya inexpectata

Common name: Sunny S/I

Subfamily: Obriminae

Origin: Philippines

Adult size: Females: 80mm

Food plants: Bramble


Grey to brown insect. They have a small ‘crown’ on the top of their head. They have lots of very small, blunt spines, (more bumps) all over the body. Yellow eyes. Legs are very slender, and look as though they won’t support body. Eggs are black, and ornate looking.


Very good for the beginner. These are all female and reproduce by parthenogenesis. Keep nice and humid. Provide females with a place to lay ova, i.e. a pot of peat or similar. These take about 4-6 months to hatch. A real easy, easy one!

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11 years ago

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