Insectstore Latest Posts

Idolomantis diabolica (Devils flower praying mantis) ootheca hatching 8 years ago
I’ve acquired some Idolomantis diabolica (devils flower mantis) ootheca – and really forgot how fantastic this species was. I’ve not had these in culture since last year, the nymphs are a great size, and they have an incredible appetite. It seems the secret to these thriving is really hot temperatures – between 28-35c, and a… View Article

Pseudovates peruviana (Unicorn mantis) ootheca hatching 8 years ago
Another busy week for ootheca! One of my Pseudovates peruviana (which I believe are commonly known as Unicorn mantis – but normally referring to the Texan species) hatched 16 nymphs. The hatch was staggered over 3 days, with 1 hatching, then another 12 hatching the next day, and a further 3 hatching the following day…. View Article

Popa spurca (African twig mantis) ootheca & grown on nymphs 8 years ago
A few weeks ago I had a couple of Popa spurca (African twig mantis) ootheca hatch out, which had good hatch numbers, between 40 and 50 each. This species has always fascinated me in the fact it’s sort of in between a stick insect and a mantis – and quite a ferocious one at that…. View Article

Acanthops sp (Peru) ootheca hatching 8 years ago
I have acquired some ootheca of Acanthops sp (I’m not 100% sure of the exact species) from Peru, which were from mated females, from wild caught ootheca. One of them hatched in the post and hatched around 35, and a second hatched today (1 day later) with around 18 nymphs. It’s strange how these hatch… View Article

Sibylla pretiosa (Cryptic mantis) laying an ootheca 8 years ago
My last remaining female Sibylla pretiosa (Cryptic mantis) had laid her third ootheca. Sibylla are a really impressive species not just visually, but their strange movements and ferocious appetite make them a a great addition for the collection. Whilst she did mate once, I haven’t had any luck with hatching the previous ootheca so far,… View Article

Idolomorpha lateralis / dentifrons ootheca, hatchlings, and nymphs 8 years ago
I acquired some Idolomorpha ootheca around 2 months ago. I am not sure of the exact species, I am guessing either lateralis or dentifrons. The 2 ootheca I had hatched 12 and 16 nymphs respectively, which were beautiful black and green elegant looking nymphs. A few of these died off as L1, but currently I’ve… View Article

One of my Orchid mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) females lays a good sized ootheca 8 years ago
One of my mated female Orchid mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) has laid a good sized ootheca, which is one of the larger that I have seen from previous captive bred females. This lady was mated 2 weeks ago, so hopefully I should get a good hatch on this one, and fingers crossed for many more!

Chinese mantis (Tenodera sinensis) ootheca hatching 8 years ago
This week seems to have been nice and productive, with another Ootheca hatching – this time of Chinese mantis (Tenodera sinensis). These have impressive hatching numbers, up to 150 from each ootheca. These particular chinese mantis ootheca were from the states, from wild farmed females: Unfortunately I have previously found mortality rates from these oothecas… View Article

Orchid mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) mating 8 years ago
I currently have 4 adult female Orchid mantis (Hymenopus coronatus), of which 2 of them are now 5 and 6 weeks old. I have a male which is now 5 weeks old, so introduced him to the female this week. He was very suceptable, and followed her less than a minute after spotting, and shortly… View Article

Orthodera novaezealandiae (New Zealand Mantis) Ootheca Hatching 8 years ago
I have received a handful of ootheca from New Zealand, of Orthodera novaezealandiae (or commonly known as New Zealand mantis). These are a fantastic little species, highly energetic, ferocious with prey, and have a really odd behavioural characteristics. So far I have had 3 ootheca hatch, and had around 30 nymphs hatch from each. You… View Article