Breeding/rearing locusts livefood


Locusts are a fantastic feeder insect for any reptile or large invertebrate, providing much more nutrition than other livefood, such as crickets or mealworms. They are the largest live food source in captivity, with adults reaching in excess of 8cm, and an ability to take long flight. Not only is the size of these attractive to predators, but also the bright yellow wing case an abdomen, making a perfect treat for large chameleons or geckos.

Buying Locusts

Locusts are available from most livefood stockists, inlcuding local pet stores, and large pet stores, such as Jolyes. They usually come in small, ventilated tubs, as you would get other livefood (crickets, mealworms) in. These come with a piece of eggbox inside, for the

locusts to grip onto, and hide on. A layer of bran will be sprinkled on the bottom of the tub, and it is good to keep them with a constant supply of this. If you are looking at using large amounts of locusts, it may be worth while to buy in bulk, rather than in tubs. Online wholesalers supply locusts in the thousand, which can be a much more ecomonical way of feeding your herps.

Rearing Locusts

Locusts are huge eaters, and will eat most of what is put in for them. However, the best food types would be vegetation, such as cabbage remains, old leaves of fruit or branches, and various other vegetable matter. You can also purchase pre-made formulae, which contains various mixed up foods, ground into a powder. Dry food such as cornflakes, oats and biscuits can also be fed.

Locusts must be kept in a dry enclosure, with humidity at a minimum. Damp conditions can cause the locusts to die of mould or fungal infection. Breeding is relatively easy. A dish, or bowl of moist sand should be provided, about 4-5 inches deep for a substrate to lay eggs in. The sand must be kept moist, so when the adult female lays her eggs, the tunnel will not collapse. When ready, the female will insert her abdomen into the sand, and lay up to 200 eggs deep under. These are laid in an ootheca/funnel type object, and layed up to just below the surface of the sand. After 10-15 days, baby locusts will emerge from this “nest”, and fed on the same foods as the adults were previously feeding on.

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12 years ago

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