Praying mantis beginners species

Mantids can make relatively undemanding captives as long as their basic needs are met.


Some species may need to be kept within a certain temperature range using spot lights or heatmats (this maybe a consideration in colder climates like the uk). Some species will thrive at room temperature


Most mantids will need to be sprayed or misted at least once a week, some tropical species may require daily spraying. All species should be sprayed when they are nearing a moult


Mantid nymphs are usually fed fruit flies or micro crickets. As they grow they will take larger insects such as houseflies, waxworms and even locusts! Some species (particularly flower and dead leaf mantids) will only taked winged insects such as flies and moths

Enclosure size

The enclosure should be a least 3 times as high as the mantis is long to allow for moulting but not too large that the mantis cannot find food. Large yogurt pots and deli cups are often used for nymphs and smaller species while larger mantids can be kept in suitably sized fish tanks or large plastic sweet jars

Providing you can maintain these basic requirements your mantids should thrive but here are some species which are considered to be good beginners mantids:

Sphodromantis (african mantids)
Hierodula (Giant mantids)
Tenodera (Chinese mantids)
Creobroter (flower mantids)

Specific environmental requirements (eg high humidity or temperature) make some species a bit more of a challenge so may be suited to the more experienced keeper

If you’re looking for an easy, small sized mantis please concider Miomantis paykullii ( or Egyptian mantis… ) Just one third the size of an adult Sphodromantis but just a vicious. One major benifit: Due to their small size, they do not require a large tank and are an ideal species for people who want a mantis but don’t have much room for tanks and stuff.

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12 years ago

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