Pseudodiacantha macklottii – Javanese Lichen stick insect

PSG2 Pseudodiacantha macklottii

Common name: Javan Lichen stick insect

Subfamily: Necrosciinae

Origin: Java

Adult size: F: 70mm M: 55mm

Food plants: Rhododendron, Hypericum


Very beautiful species. Females have small appendages all over the body, and are mottled green, black and grey, in a lichen effect. Abdomen is quite large when swollen with ova. They appear to have two ‘devil-horns’ on their head. Males similar, but much more skinny. Both sexes have small wings, useless for flight, but are used to deter predators. They are bright orange, fringed with a black border and white dots. Ova bullet shaped. Long antennae.


A favorite species of mine! Females will pierce their ova into substrate, and into small cracks etc. Hatchlings are very fragile. Keep at moderate to high humidity, but provide adequate ventilation. Room temp.

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12 years ago

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